Border surveillance and protection requires large area scanning to detect, track and recognize unauthorized intruders- be they hostile forces, terrorists, smugglers, illegal immigrants or any other criminal/illegal entities. Regardless of the terrain, missions of securing national borders have become increasingly difficult hence requiring flexible, high-performance multi-sensor systems, installed and operated from a variety of platforms.
ASIO Border Surveillance solution is the most effective solution enabling to effectively protect borders while enabling dissemination of all available ISR data to minimize reaction time.
ASIO provides the capability to detect and track possible terrorist activity, contraband importation and movements of undocumented aliens, as well as coordinate a law enforcement response to these threats.
The system provides a defense-in-depth, layered approach to preventing persons or items from illegally accessing the borders while leveraging its f
orce strength by applying airborne and ground assets all sharing a real time unified situational awareness picture.
ASIO multiplatform turnkey solution is adaptable and designed for installation on a variety of aircraft, including unmanned aerial vehicles. The ASIO mission package is small enough to fit on a turboprop, jet or helicopter and has been integrated on a number of platforms, including the King Air 350, Cessna Citatio
n, Bell 407 and others.
ASIO Border surveillance solution is designed to achieve maximum mission effectiveness through BIRD’s advanced Multi Sensor Integration System (MSIS) that manages the complete mission profile (Briefings, Operational and Debriefings/Analysis).
MSIS collects and processes large amounts of information gathered from all onboard sensors. This information is then automatically classified and then clearly displayed using state of the art data integration algorithms with an easy to use and intuitive human machine interface.
MSIS reduces mission crew workload by display and operation of important aspects of the mission at any given time, enabling the crew to efficiently complete detection and classification of only the relevant targets.
BIRD’s extensive operational experience and understanding of mission-critical requirements has facilitated the design and delivery of an ASIO Border Surveillance Aircraft solution that can be tailored to meet the most demanding customer requirements worldwide.