BIRD Secures Contract to Protect India’s Helicopters
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Herzliya, Israel, March 2011  – BIRD Aerosystems has secured a contract to protect India’s Cheetah helicopters. The contract which was signed for an undisclosed number of helicopters includes the supply of the BIRD’s EW Suit Controler (EWSC), ground support equipment, testers and an ILS package.

The EWSC unit developed by BIRD controls the operations of the AMPS Self protection system operations and optimizes the countermeasure solution by integrating all the subsystems, including the Missile Warning System (MWS), Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), Laser Warning Receiver (LWR) as well as the counter measure systems (CFDS and DIRCM).

BIRD Aerosystems Ltd. is a privately owned company established in 2001 and based in Israel. BIRD specializes in providing Airborne Missile Self Protection Systems (AMPS) that protects military, civil and VIP aircraft against Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) and Airborne Surveillance, Information and Observation (ASIO) systems for Maritime and ground surveillance missions.

For more details contact:          Shaul Mazor

BIRD Aerosystems Ltd.

+972-9-9575700 ext. 709

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